NB Youth in Care - Digital Stories
Current and former youth in care created individual digital stories during a series of Digital Storytelling workshops hosted by the Child and Permanency Council of Canada, and generously supported by the Windsor Foundation.
The filmmakers, aged 12-30, create three-minute films about their experiences in foster care, or with their birth families, with customary care, adoption, kinship care, or aging out of care. They work with a combination of photographs and video, music, recorded voices, and/or animation, to make films about some aspect of their lives as they relate to the child welfare system and the importance of having permanent (forever) families.
Trauma informed approach - Hard Talks
A 17 year old youth, adopted two years ago is surprised to hear they willl be having a Pop Quiz.
Prior to school, the youth woke up that morning and didn’t feel like they were going to have a good day. They told their parents they were experiencing a bit of anxiety and didn’t feel like eating breakfast as they were not hungry. They also mentioned that they didn’t sleep well last night.
The first clip shows how affected the youth is as they they entered their classroom and found out they will be having a surprise pop quiz.
The second clip shows how this same situation can be approached in a Trauma-informed way to better support the youth.
For Those Who Come Next -Documentary
“Growing up in the Canadian child welfare system, these youth experienced many adversities. But, with the support of programs and community, they built resilience by connecting with their strengths. Now they’re using their stories and experiences to make change.
This youth-partnered film shares a story of hope, resilience, and the capacity of youth to make change when given appropriate support and opportunity. And, perhaps most of all, this film asks that we don’t allow the youth who come next to feel alone or left behind.”
How to get a degree from care - Youth Panel
Calling all Youth in Care! Are you interested in pursuing a University Degree? Hear from these amazing women with university experience! Our panellists have accomplished up to seven years of university in New Brunswick after life from foster care and are very excited to share how to navigate university life! Whether you are applying to get in or are planning to graduate soon, they will share all the ups, downs, tips, and tricks to make your university journey one to remember!