Beyond Bubble Baths and Vacations

Do you have a high demanding job? A Special needs child or a child of trauma? Social and family commitments? Are you always taking care of others and leaving very little time for yourself?

That’s why we created this ABSOLUTE SELF CARE: BEYOND BUBBLE BATHS AND VACATIONS page. Here, we discuss topics around self care and ways to help you take control of your time, your body and your health without overwhelming your already jam-packed schedule. We want you to feel empowered to put yourself first and start living your best life within your current circumstances. We all know too well what putting ourselves,  as caregivers,  on the back burner can do to our own wellbeing and of those we care about. Self care is essential for our overall well-being. It impacts how we connect with others and this makes it vital to dedicate time to giving your physical, psychological, and emotional health so that we can move away from draining stressors of the life we live.  Let's find more balance, compassion and ways to nurture and love ourselves through this adoption journey we are on.

Check out our live discussions, resources, testimonials, webinars and interactive sessions to support you better on your ABSOLUTE SELF CARE JOURNEY.

Recommended Videos

VIDEO : Let's Talk Self Care!
Join Kim & Brandi for a discussion on  Goals, Intentions, rituals  and the language of love.

INTERVIEW : The Benefits of Self Care
We interview a New Brunswick Family to find out how they manage their self care routine. 

WEBINAR : Parental Self Care: Taking Time to Recharge